Tuesday, June 27, 2006

the lost

Living in a big city can sometimes be confusing. Everyone becomes a planet of a solar system, where each rotating planet circulates around each other within a big globe of universe. So many things going on layers of layers on top of each other until nobody can understand where they 'really' are.

I, too, am often overwhelmed at the amount of information that ran across me heavily like trucks pressing on old feable roads until long streaks and grooves become imprinted on them. Don't get me wrong, I love being busy and always having a goal to go for and to wish towards. But that doesn't mean that the world isn't at all stressful. Like this photograph, can you tell what it's looking at? What the photographer was aiming at? Which part of it is more important than the rest? Which colour stands out to be the most prominent?

I had not a clue.

Sometimes, I am like that. There would come to a point where I'd be confused as to WHY I am doing the things I am always clinging on to, like that fallen man clinging onto the roots of trees at the edge of a waterfall. So tightly and determined are some of my convictions but when I look at the big picture, the big whirl where nothing seems to focus, those beliefs of mine seem ridiculously miniscule. Like the lost focus of the picture, my eyes, the windows of my souls, are blurry now. I can't see what I used to. I can't tell which is more important and which is not.

I am lost.


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