Saturday, February 24, 2007

I used to believe that everybody with a heart can feel and experience all human emotions in a way that each and every one of us goes through at some point, without having to really go through it. I used to believe that no matter how different we all are, we are made of the same atoms and chemicals and should be able to understand each other no matter how different we think and how hard we argue. We are all human beings capable of sympathizing with each other and with enough effort understand one another from their own angles. But going through the world hearing stories about broken hearts and lonely people made me have second thoughts. Is the world really filled with lonely, difficult people or are we just not trying hard enough?

When I first came to Toronto, I had quite a good impression of it because everybody seems nice and obliging. But layers of facade peel off as I look over my shoulder when I come around the corner for the second time. Everything all of a sudden is not so black and white and the nice qualities that I saw before became so fake I wonder why I thought it was nice the first time. If you live here long enough, or stay in school, and if you're lucky, you might get 2 or 3 good friends that will stick with you long. Most of the time, those 200 hundred people on msn mean nothing and very very few number of the people you 'chill' with at student clubs can be buddies that you can borrow a shoulder to lean on when you're sad. The 21- cold-ass weather seems to pull a pathetic fallacy on us, laughing and mocking at us with beautiful snowflakes mixed in with the icey wind that creeps into every part of our body and gradually attacks the heart - freezing every human emotion. Cold breaths mixed in with cold words come out of mouths and nobody talks personally to anybody anymore because nobody seems to have time for anybody anymore.
But still, we try. No matter how cold winter is, we still walk in the cold bravely and back straightened, chin-up and hoping for a better tomorrow.

But on the contrary, life doesnt' have to be this way. People don't need to be impersonal and fake. I still want to believe that we as human beings shoudl still all have that mirror of humanity in all of us waiting to be uncovered. IT's a part of us that reflects others in a part of us. It's a part of us where we have common knowledge and common understanding with each other. If people can use it when we are about to have arguments, would life be any easier? If life can be simpler, can we bond together and warm each other up with hope and understanding? If life can be simpler, is it easier to discover truth and beauty? If life can be simpler, can we all love with more passion and sincerity?

Aas, what a pathetic outlook on life. If life is this cold, it's no wonder we'd get frostbites on the fragile hearts. =(


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